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New to try: Munis login page.

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Clean and simple design on the login form

You can now login to Munis without having to enter your password.

How do I log in?

Step 1

In your browser's URL, type in or copy-paste "https://fmis.dof.gov.mp/". Once you are in the login page, proceed to enter your DOF email and press next.

Step 2

You will then be directed to a new page to enter your email once more. Go ahead and proceed to enter your email and press next.

Step 3

It will then prompt you to enter your password. Once you have entered your password go ahead and press next.

Step 4

Then, it will prompt you to give more information. Proceed to press next.

Step 5

Then, it will ask you to pick an account. Please choose the account that you used to login with in the begin. If the account you chose to login with is already signed in to Outlook, it should read and have a label underneath saying Signed in and you can also select that account.


Once you have selected the account, it will prompt you with a question asking what email would you like to use. You can go ahead and use your personal email if you wish. After entering your personal email, proceed to press next.

Step 7

It will then ask for a verification code. Proceed to check your email. In case you did not receive the code, press Resend code and check your email again.

Step 8

You should get an email like this with the 6-digit code inside. Copy-paste the 6-digit code in the input field and press next.

Step 9

After entering the 6-digit code, press next.

Step 10

After entering the 6-digit code, you will get a message on the screen saying that you have completed the security setup. Proceed to press Done.

Step 11

Then, it will then ask you permission to read your profile. This is a safe process, so go ahead and press Accept.

Step 12

Then you will be logged in and load into the Munis landing page and it will ask you to setup your Tyler Hub.